
twitter: @amaga38

Harekaze mini CTF 2020 Write-up

2020/12/26 10:00 JST - 12/27 10:00 JST (24H) に開催されたCTFのWrite-upです。チーム名: whitecatsで出場して378pt. 全体51位でした。

Easy Flag Checker [rev]

このバイナリに文字列を与えると、フラグであるかどうかチェックしてくれます。 This binary checks if the input is the flag.



undefined8 check(long param_1,long param_2)

  char cVar1;
  int index;
  index = 0;
  while( true ) {
    if (0x22 < index) {
      return 0;
    cVar1 = (**(code **)(funcs + (long)(index % 3) * 8))
                      ((int)*(char *)(param_2 + index),(int)(char)table[index]);
    if (cVar1 < *(char *)(param_1 + index)) break;
    if (*(char *)(param_1 + index) < cVar1) {
      return 0xffffffff;
    index = index + 1;
  return 1;


# -*- coding: utf-8
funcs = ['\x96\x11\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # return a + b
         '\xb4\x11\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00', # return a - b
         '\xd4\x11\x40\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'] # return a ^ b
# -> 0: add, 1: sub(), 3: xor()

def add(i, j):
    return ord(i) + ord(j)

def sub(i, j):
    return ord(i) - ord(j)

def xor(i, j):
    return ord(i) ^ ord(j)

functions = [add, sub, xor]

                             table                                           XREF[3]:     Entry Point(*), 
        00404060 e2 00 19        undefine
                 00 fb 0d 
                 19 02 38 
           00404060 e2              undefined1E2h                     [0]                               XREF[3]:     Entry Point(*), 
           00404061 00              undefined100h                     [1]
           00404062 19              undefined119h                     [2]
           00404063 00              undefined100h                     [3]
           00404064 fb              undefined1FBh                     [4]
           00404065 0d              undefined10Dh                     [5]
           00404066 19              undefined119h                     [6]
           00404067 02              undefined102h                     [7]
           00404068 38              undefined138h                     [8]
           00404069 e0              undefined1E0h                     [9]
           0040406a 22              undefined122h                     [10]
           0040406b 12              undefined112h                     [11]
           0040406c bd              undefined1BDh                     [12]
           0040406d ed              undefined1EDh                     [13]
           0040406e 1d              undefined11Dh                     [14]
           0040406f f5              undefined1F5h                     [15]
           00404070 2f              undefined12Fh                     [16]
           00404071 0a              undefined10Ah                     [17]
           00404072 c1              undefined1C1h                     [18]
           00404073 fc              undefined1FCh                     [19]
           00404074 00              undefined100h                     [20]
           00404075 f2              undefined1F2h                     [21]
           00404076 fc              undefined1FCh                     [22]
           00404077 51              undefined151h                     [23]
           00404078 08              undefined108h                     [24]
           00404079 13              undefined113h                     [25]
           0040407a 06              undefined106h                     [26]
           0040407b 07              undefined107h                     [27]
           0040407c 39              undefined139h                     [28]
           0040407d 3c              undefined13Ch                     [29]
           0040407e 05              undefined105h                     [30]
           0040407f 39              undefined139h                     [31]
           00404080 13              undefined113h                     [32]
           00404081 ba              undefined1BAh                     [33]
           00404082 00              undefined100h                     [34]
table =  '\xe2\x00\x19\x00\xfb\x0d\x19\x02'
table += '\x38\xe0\x22\x12\xbd\xed\x1d\xf5'
table += '\x2f\x0a\xc1\xfc\x00\xf2\xfc\x51'
table += '\x08\x13\x06\x07\x39\x3c\x05\x39'
table += '\x13\xba\x00'

fake_flag = "fakeflag{this_is_not_the_real_flag}"
i = 0
cVal = []
for i in range(len(fake_flag)):
    param0 = fake_flag[i]
    param1 = table[i]
    cVal += [functions[i % 3](param0, param1)]

cVal = list(map(lambda x: x % 128, cVal))
print(''.join(map(chr, cVal)))
$ python3

Flag: HarekazeCTF{0rth0d0x_fl4g_ch3ck3r!}

Wait [rev]

Please be patient. Brute-force attacks on the score server are prohibited.

実行すると、HINT: ^HarekazeCTF\{ID[A-Z]{4}X\}$ と出力される。求めるのは[A-Z]{4}の4文字分。実行ファイルは、フラグチェック前に3秒のsleepが実行されるので、その処理を潰して実行ファイルに対してブルートフォースするか、チェック処理のところを解析して外部で処理するかの2択ぐらい。


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from hashlib import sha1
from itertools import product

def main():
    # HINT: ^HarekazeCTF\{ID[A-Z]{4}X\}$
    0x7fffffffe100: 0xe9    0xcc    0x8d    0x45    0xa1    0x44    0x28    0xee
    0x7fffffffe108: 0xd2    0xa2    0x2a    0xa8    0x2b    0xfc    0x36    0x80
    0x7fffffffe110: 0xa9    0x37    0xae    0x7d    0x0     0x0     0x0     0x0
      local_78[0] = '\x1f';
      local_78[1] = 0xcc;
      local_78[2] = 0xe7;
      local_78[3] = 0xec;
      local_78[4] = 0x44;
      local_78[5] = 0xbe;
      local_78[6] = 0xb7;
      local_78[7] = 0x2c;
      local_78[8] = 0x99;
      local_78[9] = 0x4e;
      local_78[10] = 0x2c;
      local_78[11] = 0xd6;
      local_78[12] = 0x9c;
      local_78[13] = 0x46;
      local_78[14] = 0x29;
      local_78[15] = 0x16;
      local_78[16] = 0xca;
      local_78[17] = 0x8e;
      local_78[18] = 0xc8;
      local_78[19] = 0x10;
    correct_sha1 = [0x1f, 0xcc, 0xe7, 0xec, 0x44, 0xbe, 0xb7, 0x2c,
                    0x99, 0x4e, 0x2c, 0xd6, 0x9c, 0x46, 0x29, 0x16,
                    0xca, 0x8e, 0xc8, 0x10]
    correct_sha1_md = ''.join(map(lambda x: x[2:], map(hex, correct_sha1)))
    cnt = 0
    for s in product(seed, repeat=4):
        FLAG = 'HarekazeCTF{ID' + ''.join(s) + 'X}'
        FLAG += 'SALT\x00'
        flag_sha1 = sha1(FLAG.encode('utf-8'))
        flag_md = flag_sha1.hexdigest()
        print(cnt, FLAG, ':', flag_md, correct_sha1_md)
        cnt += 1
        if flag_md == correct_sha1_md:
            print('!!!! GET FLAG !!!!')

if __name__ == '__main__':

$ python3
298850 HarekazeCTF{IDRACGX}SALT : c539a4d9c7352680001a03046ad37c697e609d1b 1fcce7ec44beb72c994e2cd69c462916ca8ec810
298851 HarekazeCTF{IDRACHX}SALT : 917aeeb01e576f5c66bd61f86c96e685b9895abf 1fcce7ec44beb72c994e2cd69c462916ca8ec810
298852 HarekazeCTF{IDRACIX}SALT : 1fcce7ec44beb72c994e2cd69c462916ca8ec810 1fcce7ec44beb72c994e2cd69c462916ca8ec810
!!!! GET FLAG !!!!

Flag: HarekazeCTF{IDRACIX}
